Tag: Projects

What has Corona taught us? – D2C2 examines digital testing at universities

Digital testing - i.e. conducting exams using digital tools - is not entirely new, but since Corona it has become more relevant than ever for universities and their students. What are the aspects, topics and needs in this regard? What developments will digital testing take in the future and what will the examination culture at Saxon universities look like in general? A working group of the joint project “D2C2 -...

ZukunfTAlter – An alliance for participation and quality of life in rural areas

The WIR alliance "ZukunfTAlter - Future technologies for successful aging in rural areas" of the BMBF project in the area of "Innovation and structural change" is convinced that social and technological innovations can strengthen the attractiveness of Upper Lusatia and support the individual participation of local people. In order to achieve this, the alliance aims to establish Upper Lusatia as a model region for the areas of housing, living environment...

What does EMIL actually do? – Adaptive learning in the learning management system ILIAS

In the joint project ELe-com, CODIP, in cooperation with various partners, is developing and testing a digital adaptive learning application for job-related training on the topic of customer journey/e-commerce for the ILIAS-based learning management system myFlexNet.de. In recent months, in addition to producing micro-learning units in text, audio and video format on the topic of customer journey, we have also worked intensively on the AI-supported decision module EMIL. The aim of the...

STRENGTH WOMEN: Supporting women with a migration background in dealing with digital media

"The integration of low-skilled migrants into society and the world of work is an important and, in all likelihood, increasing task of integration work in Europe in the coming years. The inclusion and use of digitalization in the qualification and integration process will be of crucial importance. Not least in order to counteract existing developments, such as the OECD's assessment that increasing automation...

New learning areas in the UndiMeS project – teaching with digital media

In the learning area MEDIA DIDACTIC 2 - Teaching and learning with digital media, teachers learn how they can integrate self-created and existing digital media into their lessons in a didactically meaningful way. Finally, they implement what they have learned in a teaching concept and take part in a collegial peer review. In this way, teachers get to know this functional module of OPAL School by trying it out for themselves...

Review: Empirical status conference on digitalization in education and society

On February 6, 2023, the virtual "Empirical Status Conference on Digitalization in Education and Society" organized by CODIP took place. In addition to the subject-specific innovations presented, our research center also experienced a technical first. Instead of conventional video conferencing tools, immersive virtual reality (VR) software was used as the "venue" and meeting point. The use of the VR software "TriCAT Spaces Congress" was intended to provide a platform for the scientific online conference...

GAME4CHANGE – Playful Learning in Next Generation Entrepreneurship

The G4C:NGE project aims to teach entrepreneurial skills as part of an international study program focusing on next generation entrepreneurship at five European higher education business institutions. This gives students in the field of entrepreneurship the opportunity to develop and implement sustainable business models and to discuss them together in an international team. In addition, an international study program is being developed that enables teachers to use gamified teaching and...

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