Tag: Vocational training

Review of the G4C:NGE Multiplier Event in Maribor

On December 2, 2024, the second Multiplier Event as part of the Game 4 Change project took place in Maribor, Slovenia. The event was organized by the project partner DOBA Business School. The rich program included a keynote speech by Dr. Martin Ebner from TU Graz on the topic of "How Learning Analytics, Gamification and beyond can contribute to Online Learning", as well as a panel talk...

Shaping the future of education through play: The G4C Multiplier Event invites you to Slovenia!

The Erasmus+ project G4C cordially invites everyone interested in gamification to the second multiplier event "Playful Learning: Innovative pedagogical approaches for business education" on December 2, 2024 in Maribor, Slovenia. The event offers the opportunity to gain exciting insights into the application of gamification in vocational education and to exchange ideas with international experts about current developments in the field of gamified education. Look forward to...

Close the Gap – CtG-MigHa – A new project to promote the labour market integration of immigrants

In order to support immigrants in their career prospects in retail, the InnoVET PLUS project Close the Gap - CtG-MigHa, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, started at CODIP on August 1, 2024. The joint project, led by the Central Office for Vocational Training in Retail (zbb), develops AI-supported consulting and training offers for immigrants to qualify for the retail job market....

CODIP supports immersive virtual exchange of nutritionists

The Federal Working Group for Vocational Training in the Field of Nutrition and Home Economics (BAG E&H) organizes an annual winter school that offers teachers and students in this field from all over Germany a platform for cross-university exchange, networking activities and the opportunity to get to know new colleagues and didactic practices. The junior professorship for this year's event, which took place from February 19 to 22, was responsible for organizing...

Virtual Christmas party in the 'Edu-Lunch-Talk': An insight into the immersive world of TriCAT Spaces

With the monthly "Edu-Lunch-Talk", MeinBildungsraum.de (MBR), the digital infrastructure currently being developed for the central mapping and networking of education in Germany, offers the approximately 40 participating funding projects the opportunity to exchange ideas on interim results and overarching topics in a relaxed setting. On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas celebrations, the digital lunch meeting in December was given a special "garment". The last meeting of the waning...

Lifelong teaching and learning: CODIP participates in the closed beta phase of “My Education Space”

Think back to your last application. Did you find it a hassle to get certified copies of your certificates issued? And when you needed your certificates, they were buried somewhere? Do you find it impractical to constantly create new accounts with education providers? Does the search for suitable study or further education offers take too long? That will soon be over! With "My Education Space"...

What has Corona taught us? – D2C2 examines digital testing at universities

Digital testing - i.e. conducting exams using digital tools - is not entirely new, but since Corona it has become more relevant than ever for universities and their students. What are the aspects, topics and needs in this regard? What developments will digital testing take in the future and what will the examination culture at Saxon universities look like in general? A working group of the joint project “D2C2 -...

Hopepunk, Skills Gap and Gasta – Keywords of the EDEN Conference in Dublin

A hoan, A dó, A trí, A Ceathair, A Cúig – Gasta! From now on, you have 5 minutes to represent your own position or project. This entertaining format characterizes the EDEN Conference 2023 in Dublin in many ways: it was entertaining, hospitable, typical of the country and familiar in Dublin. From June 18th to 20th, 2023, the MyEduLife project was present with a contribution...

What does EMIL actually do? – Adaptive learning in the learning management system ILIAS

In the joint project ELe-com, CODIP, in cooperation with various partners, is developing and testing a digital adaptive learning application for job-related training on the topic of customer journey/e-commerce for the ILIAS-based learning management system myFlexNet.de. In recent months, in addition to producing micro-learning units in text, audio and video format on the topic of customer journey, we have also worked intensively on the AI-supported decision module EMIL. The aim of the...

STRENGTH WOMEN: Supporting women with a migration background in dealing with digital media

"The integration of low-skilled migrants into society and the world of work is an important and, in all likelihood, increasing task of integration work in Europe in the coming years. The inclusion and use of digitalization in the qualification and integration process will be of crucial importance. Not least in order to counteract existing developments, such as the OECD's assessment that increasing automation...

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