Tag: Event

Hopepunk, Skills Gap and Gasta – Keywords of the EDEN Conference in Dublin

A hoan, A dó, A trí, A Ceathair, A Cúig – Gasta! From now on, you have 5 minutes to represent your own position or project. This entertaining format characterizes the EDEN Conference 2023 in Dublin in many ways: it was entertaining, hospitable, typical of the country and familiar in Dublin. From June 18th to 20th, 2023, the MyEduLife project was present with a contribution...

Call for Papers: GeNeMe 2023 – Inclusive digital: Shaping community openly

The annual GeNeMe conference "Communities in New Media" discusses online communities in particular from an integral perspective of several disciplines such as computer science, media technology, economics, education and information science, as well as social and communication science. As a forum for a transdisciplinary dialogue, GeNeMe enables the exchange of experience and knowledge between participants from a wide range of disciplines, organizations and institutions with a focus on both research and practice. The 26th...

Review: Empirical status conference on digitalization in education and society

On February 6, 2023, the virtual "Empirical Status Conference on Digitalization in Education and Society" organized by CODIP took place. In addition to the subject-specific innovations presented, our research center also experienced a technical first. Instead of conventional video conferencing tools, immersive virtual reality (VR) software was used as the "venue" and meeting point. The use of the VR software "TriCAT Spaces Congress" was intended to provide a platform for the scientific online conference...

Invitation to the project rally – The training course “undime – teaching with digital media” introduces itself

Digital media make school lessons more interactive, individual, efficient and inclusive - if they are used by teachers in a targeted and tailored manner. The BMBF-funded development project "UndiMeS - Teaching with Digital Media in Saxony" has intensively examined how prospective or already employed teachers can be qualified to do this. The project results and products to date will now be presented, discussed and used in an exciting project rally...

Call for Papers: GeNeMe 2022 – Digitality and Diversity

The GeNeMe "Communities in New Media" looks particularly at online communities at the interface or from the perspective of several disciplines such as computer science, media technology, economics, education and information science, and social and communication science. As a forum for transdisciplinary dialogue between science, business, organizations and administration, it enables the exchange of experience and knowledge between participants from a wide range of disciplines, organizations and institutions. The focus of this year's GeNeMe is...

CODIP projects represented at the Saxon AI Congress

On September 10, 2021, the Saxon AI Congress took place in Leipzig. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer presented the "AI Strategy for the Free State of Saxony" at the event and discussed with representatives from education and science, among others. Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler was involved as a discussion partner in the panel "AI knowledge in schools, training and further education". He emphasized his perspective of AI as "tools...

Workshop "Digital Transformation - the school as a place for digital (learning) everyday life"

Workshop "Digital Transformation - the school as a place for digital (learning) everyday life" Under the title "Digital Transformation - the school as a place for digital (learning) everyday life", the pre-conference for the conference "Communities in New Media 2020" (www.GeNeMe.de) will take place on October 7th from 3:30 p.m. at the HTW Dresden. This pre-conference will discuss new educational concepts that arise from digitization...

Open Workshop “Educational media technology and its inclusive potential”

Not only with the recent corona pandemic the inclusive potential of digital media has been considered as innovative in the light of supporting accessibility and heterogeneity in any educational context. Formal education, namely general and higher education, does have a further educational mandate and is encouraged to submit innovative offers for social participation. Teaching at school and university – so...

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