Tag: Digital learning games

Review of the G4C:NGE Multiplier Event in Maribor

On December 2, 2024, the second Multiplier Event as part of the Game 4 Change project took place in Maribor, Slovenia. The event was organized by the project partner DOBA Business School. The rich program included a keynote speech by Dr. Martin Ebner from TU Graz on the topic of "How Learning Analytics, Gamification and beyond can contribute to Online Learning", as well as a panel talk...

Learning through play: Gami|cation as an innovation bridge between gamification and education

As the challenges of getting young people excited about complex learning content and motivating them in the long term increase, gamification is becoming increasingly important as an experience-oriented approach in education. This is why the CODIP's Digital Learning and Gaming Cultures (DLSK) cluster focused this year on the fusion of gamification and education, which resulted in the game Gami|cation - The Learning and Teaching Adventure. Gami|cation aims to...

Project completion: EFA has escaped the jungle of obligations

After a total of more than three years, the project "EFA - Digital adaptive learning game for vocational training and further education" came to a successful conclusion in June 2022. Since May 2019, we in the project team have been working on the goal of supporting the acquisition of skills by Saxon micro and small enterprises in the social services sector with regard to the topic of occupational health and safety. To this end, we developed, among other things, an adaptive...

EFA in testing

The current digital prototype of the learning game EFA - Safely through the jungle of obligations has been tested together with Saxon companies since May 18, 2021. The project aims to support the acquisition of skills by Saxon micro and small companies in the social services sector with regard to occupational health and safety. Test companies are thus actively involved in the game development with the aim of adapting it to the needs of social service companies.

From the analogue toilet paper roll to the digital learning game – how creative collaboration can also be achieved from the home office

As part of the ESF-funded EFA project, the project team at the Media Center of the TU Dresden is developing a digital learning game for occupational health and safety in the social services sector. A wide variety of creative methods, tools and workflows are used in the individual development phases. Above all, the conception phase, in which learning content is translated into game scenarios and typical game elements such as a game story are also included...

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