Tag: Vocational training

MyEduLife: Results of the online survey of continuing education participants

How are continuing education certificates currently stored and used? How could this be done digitally in the future? The MyEduLife project aims to use blockchain technology to create a comparable, verified and networked way of documenting continuing education activities in an application (wallet). In order to take the requirements of the user groups into account, the current usage routines of continuing education participants and the storage methods of the certificates were recorded using an online survey. About the...

Project completion: EFA has escaped the jungle of obligations

After a total of more than three years, the project "EFA - Digital adaptive learning game for vocational training and further education" came to a successful conclusion in June 2022. Since May 2019, we in the project team have been working on the goal of supporting the acquisition of skills by Saxon micro and small enterprises in the social services sector with regard to the topic of occupational health and safety. To this end, we developed, among other things, an adaptive...

Experience self-directed learning for yourself: A workshop for teachers

As part of the “weiter.digital” project, Michelle Pippig from the Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP) at the Technical University of Dresden, together with her colleague Jana Riedel, conducted a three-hour, practice-oriented workshop on the topic of “Self-directed learning in vocational education” for teachers at the Academy of Business and Administration (AWV) and the Academy for Vocational Education (AFBB) Dresden on May 9, 2022...

Making learning experiences visible and comparable – approaches in the MyEduLife project

Occupations and the requirements for professional activities are changing faster and more frequently due to social developments. Traditional job profiles are disappearing, and new job profiles such as social media manager, sustainability manager or IT security manager are emerging. But existing job profiles are also changing, and in many jobs, new tasks are being added that require the use of digital technologies (keyword: digital skills) or the consideration of environmental requirements (keyword:...

weiter.digital: Start of the final test phase

In the research and development project "weiter.digital", digital learning tools for workplace-integrated further training in small and medium-sized companies (in Saxony) are being developed and tested. After an iterative conception and implementation period of more than two years, the final testing phase of the learning tools developed in the project began with the virtual network conference "Digitally supported education in the context of an innovative working world" on November 24, 2021. Do your employees also work...

ELe-com: Empowering Learning – Enabling adaptive learning in continuing professional education using the example of e-commerce

Online retail is in a steady growth phase, which has been further intensified by the Corona pandemic. This is demonstrated by rising e-commerce sales, which emerge from the current survey by the Federal Association of E-Commerce and Mail Order Germany (Bevh). This development results in a need for qualification in the area of professional training in retail - but conventional offers are no longer sufficient to cover this. There is an increasing...

EFA in testing

The current digital prototype of the learning game EFA - Safely through the jungle of obligations has been tested together with Saxon companies since May 18, 2021. The project aims to support the acquisition of skills by Saxon micro and small companies in the social services sector with regard to occupational health and safety. Test companies are thus actively involved in the game development with the aim of adapting it to the needs of social service companies.

The online report book – supporting learning location cooperation between companies, vocational schools and inter-company training centres online

For many years, the digitalization of vocational training was viewed rather hesitantly. Problems such as cooperation between learning locations repeatedly raised questions about how cooperation could be better supported. Especially in the current situation, where a lot revolves around Corona and the possibilities of digital communication, the question arises as to how we can also support the learning and training process in vocational training...

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