Category: Higher Education

Review of the G4C:NGE Multiplier Event in Maribor

On December 2, 2024, the second Multiplier Event as part of the Game 4 Change project took place in Maribor, Slovenia. The event was organized by the project partner DOBA Business School. The rich program included a keynote speech by Dr. Martin Ebner from TU Graz on the topic of "How Learning Analytics, Gamification and beyond can contribute to Online Learning", as well as a panel talk...

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration: Highlights from the SMART Project Consortium in Dresden

The Smart Project Consortium was held on the 25th-27th of September in Dresden, Germany, graciously hosted by the Dresden University of Applied Sciences. During this significant visit, several essential topics were discussed with insightful presentations and discussions on the implemented and future activities within SMART Work Packages 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8. The conversation delved into the various activities...

Project launch Promoting media literacy for teachers in Saxony

At the beginning of May, the project team of the new project "Entry-level solutions for teacher training for media competence development in Saxony with a focus on the fields of social pedagogy, health and care, and physiotherapy (" heralded the start of the project at the kickoff meeting in the Center of Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP) at the TU Dresden. In a small, relaxed group, the basic project structures were discussed, existing framework conditions were examined, and responsibilities...

CODIP supports immersive virtual exchange of nutritionists

The Federal Working Group for Vocational Training in the Field of Nutrition and Home Economics (BAG E&H) organizes an annual winter school that offers teachers and students in this field from all over Germany a platform for cross-university exchange, networking activities and the opportunity to get to know new colleagues and didactic practices. The junior professorship for this year's event, which took place from February 19 to 22, was responsible for organizing...

Virtual Christmas party in the 'Edu-Lunch-Talk': An insight into the immersive world of TriCAT Spaces

With the monthly "Edu-Lunch-Talk", (MBR), the digital infrastructure currently being developed for the central mapping and networking of education in Germany, offers the approximately 40 participating funding projects the opportunity to exchange ideas on interim results and overarching topics in a relaxed setting. On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas celebrations, the digital lunch meeting in December was given a special "garment". The last meeting of the waning...

What has Corona taught us? – D2C2 examines digital testing at universities

Digital testing - i.e. conducting exams using digital tools - is not entirely new, but since Corona it has become more relevant than ever for universities and their students. What are the aspects, topics and needs in this regard? What developments will digital testing take in the future and what will the examination culture at Saxon universities look like in general? A working group of the joint project “D2C2 -... Start of the final test phase

In the research and development project "", digital learning tools for workplace-integrated further training in small and medium-sized companies (in Saxony) are being developed and tested. After an iterative conception and implementation period of more than two years, the final testing phase of the learning tools developed in the project began with the virtual network conference "Digitally supported education in the context of an innovative working world" on November 24, 2021. Do your employees also work...

Learning outcome-oriented documentation of further training in the blockchain

The current challenges of digitalization, globalization and individualization are leading to an ever faster change in job profiles and growing pressure on the lifelong development of professional skills. The importance of standardized documentation of lifelong learning biographies is increasing. Against the background of increasing micro-qualifications and constantly changing requirements, it is therefore difficult for learners to keep up with the abundance of...

CODIP projects represented at the Saxon AI Congress

On September 10, 2021, the Saxon AI Congress took place in Leipzig. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer presented the "AI Strategy for the Free State of Saxony" at the event and discussed with representatives from education and science, among others. Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler was involved as a discussion partner in the panel "AI knowledge in schools, training and further education". He emphasized his perspective of AI as "tools...

Book publication: e-Science – Open, Social and Virtual Technology for Research Collaboration

The eScience – Research Network Saxony was an ESF-funded joint project of all Saxon universities under the leadership of the TU Dresden, the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the HTWK Leipzig (project duration: 01.10.2011 – 31.12.2014). The goal was to conduct fundamental and differentiated research into the approaches and methods of electronically supported science (e-science). Within three thematic clusters, e-business, e-learning...

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