Category: Digital education

DOmIcILE-VR: Approaches to the sustainable implementation of VR learning environments in vocational education

Virtual reality (VR) learning environments have great potential for vocational training. From a learning psychology perspective, according to various studies, they can – compared to usually less immersive visualizations on two-dimensional displays – increase learners' interest, increase their motivation and enjoyment in learning, and give them the realistic perception that they are currently studying in a different environment.

Book publication: e-Science – Open, Social and Virtual Technology for Research Collaboration

The eScience – Research Network Saxony was an ESF-funded joint project of all Saxon universities under the leadership of the TU Dresden, the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the HTWK Leipzig (project duration: 01.10.2011 – 31.12.2014). The goal was to conduct fundamental and differentiated research into the approaches and methods of electronically supported science (e-science). Within three thematic clusters, e-business, e-learning...

Virtual teaching collaborations – For an open, digital learning world

On December 31, 2020, the joint project "Virtual Teaching Cooperations" at the Media Center ended, which included five sub-projects at various Saxon universities: Initiative to develop a multilingual teaching and learning environment (Prof. Dr. Kirstin Hoffmann, West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau and Dr. André Matthes, TU Chemnitz) An open, digital learning world for virtual teaching cooperation using Building Information Modeling (Prof. Dr. Karsten Menzel, TU Dresden and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Möller,...

The Third Way (T3W): Developing a new curriculum for social enterprise for European graduates

The Third Way (T3W) is a project devised to improve communication and knowledge sharing between the vocational and higher education sector and social enterprises (The so-called Third Sector). At the heart of the project proposal is the development of a new curriculum pathway for students from different educational domains around vocational and business subjects wishing to become social entrepreneurs. The...

OER for all – Theses on the conclusion of the OERinfo project at DIPF Frankfurt/Main

As a member of the advisory board of the "Information Center for Open Educational Resources" (OERinfo), Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler, Director of the Media Center at TU Dresden, calls for increased support for the development and use of OER (see OER_Abschlusspraesentation_201102_final.pdf ( "With the ban on large parts of classroom teaching in schools, the demand for OER was particularly boosted. Not only students, but also...

Media competence on the move - the mobile learning app "Ausbilderwissen"

Flexible location and time-related training for company training staff Company training staff in the skilled trades and especially in small and micro enterprises (SMEs) are extremely busy. In addition to the responsibilities for the trainees, there are other company-related tasks that need to be completed every day. Training courses lasting several days are often not possible under these circumstances. Flexible location and time-related training with a smartphone or tablet -...

Workshop "Digital Transformation - the school as a place for digital (learning) everyday life"

Workshop "Digital Transformation - the school as a place for digital (learning) everyday life" Under the title "Digital Transformation - the school as a place for digital (learning) everyday life", the pre-conference for the conference "Communities in New Media 2020" ( will take place on October 7th from 3:30 p.m. at the HTW Dresden. This pre-conference will discuss new educational concepts that arise from digitization...

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