Author: Josephine Obert

Technical employee for communication and public relations at CODIP - TU Dresden.

Meetings in virtual space: Review of the GeNeMe pre-conference

This year, participants in the annual conference of the Communities in New Media (GeNeMe) were able to enjoy a real novelty: The pre-conference on September 13, 2023 was held for the first time as a "didactic double-decker". Under the title "Building bridges or creating barriers? Participation and exclusion through virtual reality in education and society", the application of virtual reality in the context of...

The OSM of the TU Dresden: The way to a secure choice of study

What should I study? Which course of study really suits me? Do I even want to study? The Orientation Course (OSM) at TU Dresden is intended to provide answers to these questions that prospective students ask themselves. With the OSM, interested parties have the chance to get a taste of various courses of study at TU Dresden for up to two semesters. They can attend lectures, take part in workshops and excursions, take exams,...

What has Corona taught us? – D2C2 examines digital testing at universities

Digital testing - i.e. conducting exams using digital tools - is not entirely new, but since Corona it has become more relevant than ever for universities and their students. What are the aspects, topics and needs in this regard? What developments will digital testing take in the future and what will the examination culture at Saxon universities look like in general? A working group of the joint project “D2C2 -...

Second funding phase in the Kraft-Copilot project: Improving self-care for young adult carers

A new chapter begins for the Kraft-Copilot project, which aims to support young adults who care for a loved one. After a successful first funding phase, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has now approved the second funding phase. The course has been set, and the learning and networking platform to promote self-care among young adult carers is now launching...

ZukunfTAlter – An alliance for participation and quality of life in rural areas

The WIR alliance "ZukunfTAlter - Future technologies for successful aging in rural areas" of the BMBF project in the area of "Innovation and structural change" is convinced that social and technological innovations can strengthen the attractiveness of Upper Lusatia and support the individual participation of local people. In order to achieve this, the alliance aims to establish Upper Lusatia as a model region for the areas of housing, living environment...

Hopepunk, Skills Gap and Gasta – Keywords of the EDEN Conference in Dublin

A hoan, A dó, A trí, A Ceathair, A Cúig – Gasta! From now on, you have 5 minutes to represent your own position or project. This entertaining format characterizes the EDEN Conference 2023 in Dublin in many ways: it was entertaining, hospitable, typical of the country and familiar in Dublin. From June 18th to 20th, 2023, the MyEduLife project was present with a contribution...

What does EMIL actually do? – Adaptive learning in the learning management system ILIAS

In the joint project ELe-com, CODIP, in cooperation with various partners, is developing and testing a digital adaptive learning application for job-related training on the topic of customer journey/e-commerce for the ILIAS-based learning management system In recent months, in addition to producing micro-learning units in text, audio and video format on the topic of customer journey, we have also worked intensively on the AI-supported decision module EMIL. The aim of the...

Research results on self-directed learning reach school practice

For the second time, GWT TUD GmbH, under the project management of Prof. Dr. Köhler, in collaboration with CODIP and the Ministry of the German-speaking Community of East Belgium, has conducted further training for teachers at secondary schools in East Belgium. The training is based on the results of our research project "Self-organized further training", which was carried out from 2016 to 2018, and serves to incorporate our research results into the...

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