Tag: Vocational training

New learning areas in the UndiMeS project – teaching with digital media

In the learning area MEDIA DIDACTIC 2 - Teaching and learning with digital media, teachers learn how they can integrate self-created and existing digital media into their lessons in a didactically meaningful way. Finally, they implement what they have learned in a teaching concept and take part in a collegial peer review. In this way, teachers get to know this functional module of OPAL School by trying it out for themselves...

MyEduLife: Results of the online survey of continuing education participants

How are continuing education certificates currently stored and used? How could this be done digitally in the future? The MyEduLife project aims to use blockchain technology to create a comparable, verified and networked way of documenting continuing education activities in an application (wallet). In order to take the requirements of the user groups into account, the current usage routines of continuing education participants and the storage methods of the certificates were recorded using an online survey. About the...

Digital transformation processes in vocational training institutions

In the joint project "Change Maker - Changing organizational structures through sustainable media education concepts in educational institutions in the retail sector (VOM_Handel)" (duration 2017-2020), the challenges of digitalization for three specific vocational training institutions were examined and "digital" strategies developed. The educational institutions are under pressure to meet the changing requirements of the digital world of life and work with their offerings. During the...

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