Call for Papers: GeNeMe 2022 – Digitality and Diversity
The GeNeMe "Communities in New Media" examines online communities in particular at the interface or from the perspective of several disciplines such as computer science, media technology, economics, education and information science, and social and communication science. As a forum for transdisciplinary dialogue between science, business, organizations and administration, it enables the exchange of experience and knowledge between participants from a wide range of disciplines, organizations and institutions.
The focus of this year's GeNeMe is the discussion of questions of inclusion and diversity in the context of digital innovations. In particular, the following questions will be reflected: In what ways has digital technology been able to break down barriers during the pandemic, and where have new, previously unconsidered barriers emerged? What challenges are there in the further development of communities in new media? What means and ways of promoting more diversity and inclusion are already emerging?
In 2022, we aim to closely integrate face2face and online formats in order to further develop last year's hybrid conference experience together with all participants and to increasingly integrate new, intercultural communities.
The conference is led by a group of scientists from the faculties of education and economics as well as the Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP) of the TU Dresden, the DGUV (HGU) and the HTW Dresden, with the kind support of Silicon Saxony eV. As partner universities, the FH Dresden and the DIU Dresden are participating as co-organizers in the content and organizational design of the 24th GeNeMe.
02.05.2022 Deadline for submission of abstracts
31.05.2022 Notification of acceptance / rejection of abstracts
04.07.2022 Deadline for submission of complete contributions
15.08.2022 Notification of final acceptance / rejection of papers
22.08.2022 Deadline for finally accepted papers
15.09.2022 Deadline registration with early bird discount
05.10.2022 Opening event
06 to 07.10.2022 Main Conference
You can find more information in our Call for papers (eng) / Call for Papers